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What we get wrong about Feminine energy


How many books have you read about "the feminine", trying to g

rasp at Her wisdom, in hopes of bringing this magic into your own life? Were you ever curious about the cultural origins of Matriarchy, or even Sophia or Mary Magdalene. hoping that these ancient insights can light the way for your own creations?

Do you even ponder the captions on this page, seeking to be inspired by some idea? In these ways, we think we engage with the Feminine, but the truth is, we haven't even scratched the surface. Because the feminine is not a theory, to be understood cerebrally.

She lives in the body, and is engaged only through setting our electric field alive - through sound, and breath and movement.

You are not in your feminine when you're thinking or reading or studying - or even journalling. When you're overanalysing, plotting, obsessing how to be more 'receptive' - that's still not it. But when you cry, when you shake, when you rock, when you sway, when you moan, when you scream, when you explode in fits of raucous laughter, when your... now THAT's the feminine!

So if you don't want to feel, if you don't want to tear open your core and express what's there, if you would rather be safe and sit on the sidelines, know that you will be an expert, but not an example. To do the "work" means to move. To move your hips. To massage your tummy. To engage dynamic breath. And to use your voice in all its ancient, primal, animalistic expressions. Because then a woman's movement turns into a Movement.

When we connect with how we feel, we know what we want to say. When we allow ourselves to be moved by our heart into inspired action, there is an electricity to our intent, that zaps through old collective conditioning.

So don't just sit there on the fence. Put down that book. Take a deep breath and start to dance and roar into your despair and desire equally, so it all turns to love.


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