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Here is what to do when you feel emotionally triggered


Updated: Feb 28, 2023

E-motions are just that – energy in motion. Ripples of electric currents moving through our bodies, ebbing and emanating like temperamental seasons.

However, if these frequencies and movements could be so romantically explained away, then why are we left so devastated in their powerful wake?

This post all about helping you turn your internal tornado into a sunny summer day - even in life's stormy waters.

When triggered internally, we often think that something on the ‘outside’ has happened to make us feel a certain way. However, what we think we’re reacting to (“that shop assistant was SO rude to me!”)... is not usually it.

Rather, this event merely pressed on our “protection pockets” that, as kids, we developed to insulate our sanity against inner turmoil. Despite the creeping amount of birthday candles on our cake, these protection pockets are firmly lodged in our subconscious and remain where they are, unfussed whether they were created when we were 6 or 16 years old. When anything happens that reminds our unconscious mind of painful past events (being yelled at, betrayed, abandoned... even on a seemingly minor scale that can still seem monumental to a child), our bodies react physiologically in a knee-jerk response. We lash out, or clam up or contract ourselves. We run in the opposite direction.

So during a disproportionate reaction, you’re unconsciously reacting to something your folks did when you were 3 – not because someone cut you off, ok?

When you tune into what emotions are a little bit more deeply, you will notice they are nothing more than just sensations in the body… A mild burning across your cheeks, a subtle tightness in your stomach, a tingling in your heart. Most of us have had tummy aches 10 times worse!

And still, many of us spend a lifetime of sins trying to drown these sensations out – why is that?

The answer is simply this: because the mind gets in the way and begins to attach all sorts of stories about why you’re upset: how your life is now a disaster, why it’s everybody else’s fault, and so on.

Of course tragic events do happen that devastate us at the truly core level. However, the destructive role of the mind is in it’s ability to stew and feed the neurosis and the pain long after the event is over – and sometimes even a whole lifetime.

Furthermore, how many times have you been upset about something that has been totally blown out of proportion? Where there is drama present in your life, the mind's trickery is usually at play – so please remember that during your next 'tantie'.

By the way, 'rejection' is a good example of such dramatizing – most of us are so scared of it, we concoct whole personalities as a means of avoiding it.

However, what is actually so bad about it? Some ignoramus is missing out on the pleasure of your company and as a result, your cheeks get slightly warm and the tummy flutters. And?!? Many before you have lived through such 'ordeals' and are still alive and kicking. ;-)

Rejection is “scary” due to all the mind ‘stuff’ that gets lumped on top to do with your identity – ‘it’s because I’m stupid, ugly, annoying, inferior’, you tell yourself. Those comments are utter rubbish.... and besides, you can’t read people’s minds.

The only truth that exists in the moment is that you have a slight stomach flutter and someone didn’t do as your agenda dictated. That, you can survive.

So, if emotions are a sensory thing, then take a deep breath and simply feel feel them in your body, without the story and the reasons. Come home to yourself, to all your tingles and sensations.

You may find that you simply feel alive – and from that point nothing can actually hurt you.

You can now also easily lower your ‘reactivity’ by recoding how your body and mind reads events.



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