A commen

t from a wise friend during a crisis of confidence:
"What you are most ashamed of about your appearance is what people find most beautiful about you".
The simple point of this post is this: what you're bumming on in yourself is your precise source of magnetism and uniqueness. If you own this quality instead of judging it, others will be drawn to your vulnerable sensual appeal.
Consider Lauren Hutton's gap-toothed grin, Cindy's mole or J-Lo's juicy bum. Ponder Kate's waifish ways against Nigella's wondorous proportions, Nicole's freckles or De-niro's scowl. Look upwards onto Claudia's height or down onto Tom Cruise's enthusiastic dance moves... the very assets for which they are illuminated and reverred have been a point of ridicule at some stage in their lives. Cameron the Skeletor, anyone?
It is all in choice of word, really. What is 'annoying' to one, is 'dynamic' to another. What is 'fat' to you is 'sensual' to someone else. Perhaps it simply takes some clever 'spin marketing' on yourself to rebrand your 'fat ass' into a 'sensual Venusian posterior'. Remember, words are potent and spread like seed from your energy field into the consciousness of others. Would you like others to label you crudely as you would yourself? People see what you show them. And energy can be percieved by all.
Observe those you find attractive walking through this city and your life. It is those who are not necessarily classically beautiful, but hold themselves unapologetically - almost defiantly - that always hold our attention.
The prettiest girls in the corner are bland at best when they choose to slouch inward and clone themselves on eachother. Sure, their loveliness is fleetingly admired, but they don't arouse our interest in that compelling way that pulls us to discover more.
Whether you are classically beautiful or aesthetically unique matters not. Your attractiveness will always come from how you hold yourself. And that comes from knowing you have something precious to behold.
Agree, disagree, have something to add? Please leave a comment below. If you would like to message me privately or have a question about 'up-branding' yourself, please drop me a line at alina@alinabcoaching.com.
Have a beautiful week!
Alina x