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Why The Diamond Path Was Born

Writer's picture: Alina BAlina B

Updated: Jul 7, 2021

Alina Rose

This may well be the most positive and transformative thing you will ever do for yourself.

Now that you are reading this, it is likely that there has always been a feeling in you that is ready for a more meaningful and happy life. Perhaps that means more love, more fun or more bliss that permeates your everyday experience? You may already have some ideas about what you’d like out of life - the kind of woman you dream about becoming, the major things you want to achieve and the special people you crave to share this journey with.

Probably much like you, people always told me that I was funny, smart and attractive - and yet for as long as I can remember, things weren’t jelling in my life. Men weren’t interested in me and seldom called me back; I felt isolated from my friends; while my lack of career ambition was spurred by my self doubt and insecurities. For years, these issues made me despondent unpleasant to be around, which further aided my self-loathing and left me with an empty eating disorder.

Eventually I had enough and went on a journey of self-discovery to learn what on earth was “wrong” with me and how I could make it all better.

It was an eye-opening path that taught me the sage truths behind emotions, the workings of the mind and especially the feminine and masculine forces that shape ourselves and our relationships.

Applying what I learnt over many transformative months and years, I soon began to feel alive and happy from the inside. My love life automatically reflected that, with boyfriends cherishing me and wanting to make long-term plans. My friendships were based on honesty and support; my body began to respond to pleasure; while the insights I have gathered have cemented my commitment to this wonderful career I have today.

I realised that the powerful shift that happened was actually my return to my feminine power: that delightful quality of being able to feel fully again, and thus becoming alive… both through the softness and the fire that burn at once inside my being.

Now as someone who uses some powerful tools to guide people back into their center, I have spent the last 5 years has been helping women find their strength, sensuality and sparkle.

Drawing on my expertise in modern transformational sciences, such as NLP, as well as ancient traditions, such as Tantra, I am pleased to deliver you a practical and insightful self-discovery program that builds your confidence, strengthens your relationships and brings your dreams into reality by reclaiming your most potent and creative force – your feminine energy.

Indeed, I whole-heartedly encourage you to travel this journey as a modern woman, so together we can dance our potency through this beautiful planet and cause positive lasting change for generations to come.

And at the same time, your longing may be hindered by feelings of self doubt, confusion, stress and overwhelm at times. Is that right?These feelings are the very reason you keep talking yourself out of your dreams, or try to kid yourself into believing that this is as good as it gets.

But I know that, deep down, you are tired of settling. After all, isn’t that why you are here?

With more savvy women reclaiming their personal power through this path, I know that you too are ready to remove these blockages from your being and discover the radiant new woman that lies beneath. Yes, I hear in you this yearning to do great things in the world and whether you are aware of it or not, your journey has now begun.

The Diamond Codes have come about to counteract the stressful challenges of modern women. Here, you will find the answer to your self esteem issues, relationship frustrations and financial troubles. It is the path of self awareness, personal strength and mental and emotional balance. It is the inner awakening that will make ensure he treasures you like a prize; allows you to know yourself as a beauty - inside and out and give you plenty of fast-acting tools to turn money, love and friendship luck around.

This advanced journey is practical, transformative and hands-on – and will help you morph into the Diamond that you are with more speed and effectiveness than ever before. Having access to the world’s most accelerated tools for change means we will take you through a master process to awaken your best self. You are guaranteed to walk away feeling lighter, happier and more powerful week by week with every session. More importantly, you will be on your way to becoming an awakened woman who has the energy, grace and strength to shape our world in a new and more meaningful direction – and isn’t that what we’re ultimately all here to bring forth?

Whatever your intention –a better relationship, more confidence and personal power or career, wealth and creative success - this journey is sure to awaken, move and shift you in a whole lot of wonderful ways - so thank you for being here and enjoy the ride!Mine was an arduous journey.

No matter what I tried, things weren’t gelling. Men weren’t interested, I felt like I didn’t belong, my career lacked direction. I felt lost and insecure, until a friend suggested I read a spiritual book; my first sweet taste of a new and integral reality. The book turned into several, then workshops, then retreats, until a new world opened up and left clues to a path that would help many women achieve abundance.

Life became easier and more rewarding. My fears fell away, and more goodness flowed into my life rewarding me for that inner work.

Love and wonder was indeed, all around me. Men were responsive and asking me out; a beautiful relationship evolved.

My friendships with women shone with support. Every time I left the house, miracles happened.

A stranger in a café would further my career, a new friend at a party would turn into a confidant for life, a simple lunch would end up at a magical theater production.

Life was everywhere, and I was glad to be saying ‘yes’.

Women everywhere still want a similar love and abundance. I established a muse practice in response to my calling to help similarly yearning, yet societally unsupported women to awaken their sensuality and power.

Drawing on my own experience and powerful lessons from 15 years of women’s work, I use a marriage of tradition and technology to bring you The Basis Experience; a practical, inspiring and illuminating journey that will help you live life your life as art, and inspire others.

As you choose to walk this path, your life becomes a legacy that leaves its impact for many years to come. By investing in growing your pleasure, beauty and womanhood, you improve the daily experience from everyone around you.


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